Evaluation of iterative methods for solving nonlinear scalar equations

Document Type : Research Article


1 Professor of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.

2 Ph.D. Student of Structural Engineering, School of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.

3 Ph.D. of Structural Engineering, School of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.


This study is aimed at performing a comprehensive numerical evalua-tion of the iterative solution techniques without memory for solving non-linear scalar equations with simple real roots, in order to specify the most efficient and applicable methods for practical purposes. In this regard, the capabilities of the methods for applicable purposes are be evaluated, in which the ability of the methods to solve different types of nonlinear equations is be studied. First, 26 different iterative methods with the best performance are reviewed. These methods are selected based on performing more than 46000 analyses on 166 different available nonlinear solvers. For the easier application of the techniques, consistent mathematical notation is employed to present reviewed approaches. After presenting the diverse methodologies suggested for solving nonlinear equations, the performances of the reviewed methods are evaluated by solving 28 different nonlinear equations. The utilized test functions, which are selected from the re-viewed research works, are solved by all schemes and by assuming different initial guesses. To select the initial guesses, endpoints of five neighboring intervals with different sizes around the root of test functions are used. Therefore, each problem is solved by ten different starting points. In order to calculate novel computational efficiency indices and rank them accu-rately, the results of the obtained solutions are used. These data include the number of iterations, number of function evaluations, and convergence times. In addition, the successful runs for each process are used to rank the evaluated schemes. Although, in general, the choice of the method de-pends on the problem in practice, but in practical applications, especially in engineering, changing the solution method for different problems is not feasible all the time, and accordingly, the findings of the present study can be used as a guide to specify the fastest and most appropriate solution technique for solving nonlinear problems.


Main Subjects

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