Multiple interpolation with the fast-growing knots in the class of entire functions and its application

Document Type : Research Article


Department of Physics, Mathematics, Economy and Innovative Technologies, Ivan Franko State Pedagogical Institute of Drohobych, Drohobych, Ukraine.


The conditions for the sequence of complex numbers (bn,k) are obtained, such that the interpolation problem g(k-1)(λn) = bn,k, k 1, s, n N, where |λkk+1| ≤ < 1, has a unique solution in some classes of entire functions g for which Mg(r) c1 exp ((s - 1)N(r) + N(ρ1r)), where N(r) is the counting function of the sequence (λn), ρ1 (∆; 1), and c1 > 0. Moreover, these results have been applied to the description of the solution of the differential equation f(s) +A0(z)f = 0 for which (λn) is zero-sequence and the coeffcient A0 is an entire function from the mentioned class.


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