Nonpolynomial B-spline collocation method for solving singularly perturbed quasilinear Sobolev equation

Document Type : Research Article


Department of Mathematics, Jimma University, Jimma, Oromia, Ethiopia.


In this paper, a singularly perturbed one-dimensional initial boundary value problem of a quasilinear Sobolev-type equation is presented. The nonlinear term of the problem is linearized by Newton’s linearization method. Time derivatives are discretized by implicit Euler’s method on nonuniform step size. A uniform trigonometric B-spline collocation method is used to treat the spatial variable. The convergence analysis of the scheme is proved, and the accuracy of the method is of order two in space and order one in time direction, respectively. To test the efficiency of the method, a model example is demonstrated. Results of the scheme are presented in tabular, and the figure indicates the scheme is uniformly convergent and has an initial layer at t = 0.


Main Subjects

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