A three-free-parameter class of power series based iterative method for approximation of nonlinear equations solution

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Delta State University of Science and Technology, Delta State, Nigeria.

2 Department of Mathematics, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria.


In this manuscript, for approximation of solutions to equations that are nonlinear, a new class of two-point iterative structure that is based on a weight function involving two converging power series, is developed. For any method constructed from the developed class of methods, it requires three separate functions evaluation in a complete iteration cycle that is of order four convergence. Also, some well-known existing methods are typical members of the new class of methods. The numerical test on some concrete methods derived from the class of methods indicates that they are effective and competitive when employed in solving a nonlinear equation.


Main Subjects

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